Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

Without my trusty DSLR by my side, I hadn’t planned on taking any photos of this unique lunar eclipse. It’s unique in that it also occurred on the winter solstice. So why did I end up taking photos at 2:30 am? Well, that would be Con Ed’s fault. They sent a work crew to fix a mistake another crew made which necessitated the use of heavy equipment – heavy equipment that made a lot of noise. So, unable to sleep, I ended up arguing with Con Ed for a few minutes, taking a few photos of the lunar eclipse, and then back to bed for a terrible night of sleep. Bastards. Ah well, at least I got to see the eclipse. Yay.

These photos were taken on December 21, 2010.

The Hold Steady Backstage at Columbia University

While talking to The Hold Steady lead singer Craig Finn at Rachael’s holiday party last weekend, I was reminded of this photo I took some years back. At this point in time, they had yet to release their third album, Boys and Girls in America, the album that would catapult them into stardom. They were performing at Columbia University’s annual Concert on the Steps though it would be indoors this year due to rain. That worked out great because the lighting indoors was great and the concert shots came out beautifully. I managed to get this shot of the band just moments before they hit the stage.

This photo was taken on September 2, 2006.

The Hold Steady Backstage at Columbia University

Slicing a Peking Duck

Earlier this year – January, to be specific – Justin came down for the kind of weekend where we just basically eat and drink to our hearts’ content. On a night where we’d end up at Minetta Tavern for their $26 Black Label burger, we decided to go cheap during the day. That basically meant a food tour though Flushing with one of those stops being the $1 Peking Duck bun stand. Honestly, you’d be a fool not to stop here when you’re in Flushing – well, unless you don’t like duck. For $1, you get tasty duck meat and crispy, fatty duck skin wrapped in a steamed bun with scallions, cucumbers, and a smidgen of hoisin sauce. We were fortunate enough to stop by when they were just getting ready to carve and slice through a fresh duck. A total win for us!

This photo was taken on January 16, 2010.

Slicing a Peking Duck

Dyker Heights Lights

Last holiday season, I took a long ride all the way down to Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. Why? Because I wanted to see what these folks who clearly have way too much disposable income had done with their holiday decorations that year. Sure, these are all really extravagant, lovely displays but isn’t it just a tad bit excessive? Especially last year when we were still in the throes of a massive recession. Ah, who am I kidding, you don’t own these sorts of home without the bankroll to be able to pay the electricity bills that come with these light shows.

These photos were taken on December 15, 2009.

Lunar Eclipse

There are some times where I think I’m a pretty good photographer. This photo, unfortunately, is not one that would lend credence to that thought. This was supposed to be a shot of a total lunar eclipse or at least the beginning of one but I just flat out Blaise-choked (Top Chef reference for all my TC watching friends). It came out okay but nowhere nearly as nice as what I had hoped for. My problem? No tripod. I tried shooting this by propping it an an angle on a fence but it just wasn’t steady enough for the shot I wanted. The next one’s in four days but that’s gonna do me no good since I’m presently DSLR-less. Goddamn.

This photo was taken on February 20, 2008.

Lunar Eclipse

Enjoy the Go!

Do you like hearing words of encouragement while taking care of business in the bathroom? On the go and need to find a bathroom post-haste? Stuck in the Times Square area? Well, then step right up and enter Charmin’s annual holiday pop-up bathroom! While you’re doing the deed, you’ll be serenaded by the strains of their official with no other discernible lyrics besides the cheerfully sung “enjoy the go!” Charmin – making your number two their number one priority this holiday season!

These photos were taken on December 15, 2010.


This is what you can see on the facade of Macy’s Herald Square – “Believe” in giant Christmas lights on the 34th Street side and the Christmas tree in lights on the Broadway side. I’m all for believing but I’m reminded of another kind of believing – the kind the New York Mets engaged in selling their fans last offseason. “We believe in comebacks” being chief among them. Last night was a gigantic gut punch for Mets fans – Cliff Lee spurned the New York Yankees only to run into the arms of his old flame, the Philadelphia Phillies. Even when Mets fans, they lose. Of course they do. Believe. Whatever.

These photos were taken on December 10, 2010.

A Walk Through Wrigley Field

After starting my summer of funemployment with an early July trip to Austin, I finished it off with a late August journey to Chicago. Food, booze, and sights were there in excess but no trip there would be complete without taking in a game at Wrigley Field. The day I went was a miserable one – chilly (for late August), windy, and wet. In short, just miserable. Somehow, they managed to get a game in, thanks to the quick work of the grounds crew. While they were setting up to get the game going at a decent time, I took the opportunity to walk all throughout the historic stadium. Maybe aged or old would be a better way to describe it – the bathrooms have troughs for men to urinate in – very bar/nightclub-like and equally messy. It’s decidedly no-frills here with just two decks of stands and the bleachers in the outfield. It’s a nice stadium but, like Fenway Park and the old Yankee Stadium, if it weren’t historic, it’d be a dump. I’m not ripping on the place but sometimes the truth sucks. I hear they got rid of the troughs this year so they’re slowly making some progress, I guess.

These photos were taken on August 26, 2009.

Just Some Old Guys Watching Basketball

If you watch any of ESPN’s college basketball coverage, you’ll recognize these old guys as, from left to right, anchor John Saunders, analyst Digger Phelps, and analyst Bob Knight. Saunders is one of my favorite ESPN anchors/commentators – he’s smart, witty but he never makes the broadcast about him, unlike some of his fellow colleagues. Digger is a rare breed – he’s both the on-air goofball as well as a solid analyst. He’s best known for the tielighter, where he “accessorizes his flamboyant attire by matching his neckties with a like colored highlighter.” Bob Knight or “The General”, as he was known when he was a stern head basketball coach who’s a bit of an asshole but really was a great coach and leader of men, graduating more basketball players than just about every other coach there is. Sadly, he’s a snoozer on air – all that fire and energy on the court just never made it to the broadcast chair.

When I took this photo, these guys were watching the final moments of the first game of the Jimmy V Classic doubleheader. After the game ended, it would be back to work and on air for these guys.

This photo was taken on December 7, 2010.

Just Some Old Guys Watching Basketball

The National + Yo La Tengo

On the last night of Hannukah, which also coincides with the last night of the Yo La Tengo 8-night long residency at Maxwell’s in Hoboken – funny how that just works out, no? – The National was the special guest opener. The National. Opening and playing in a 200-person venue. That’s something I thought I’d never see since Boxer was released in 2007 and their star rose rapidly. As much fun as it was to see them here, it only made me long to see them again in a much larger venue so they can have their full orchestral backing and nifty light show as well as much better sound. But, you know what, I can’t complain because just a few weeks ago, I was thinking I wish I’d gotten to see them a second time this year and, just like that, problem solved.

I’ll admit I bought the ticket because I heard The National would be there that night. And while I don’t love Yo La Tengo, I do like them and they’re a good band to see live. A good set which ended with Ira wading into the crowd during their last song.

These photos were taken on December 8 and 9, 2010.